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Apa cerita?

Saturday, June 4, 2011
Haih...dah hampir bersawang rupanya blog ni. Just so you know my school semester dah 3 minggu habis. Dan semalam juga merupakan hari terakhir aku berkerja sebagai custodian dekat University Housing. (Untuk mereka yang tak tahu, custodian bukan lah baby sitter tapi macam bibik cuci dorm).

Setelah experience betapa penatnya kerja2 mencuci ni, terus rasa simpati kat bibik2 yang cari makan kat Msia. But here with 40 hours a week and 9.20USD/ hour, it's worth the exhaustion. That's the money I will spend in London next week. Tambah best lagi, I just got my first credit card. Yang jadi double bestnya, while all my friends here have their credit limit of 1000USD, I got 2000USD for the first time application. Happy at the same time worried that I will swipe the card as if the 2000USD is mine. Sweet curse eh?

Last week juga my Uni jadi host untuk MidWest Game. Basically, midwest game ni macam mini Olympic yang menghimpunkan semua Msian students representing their respective universities from all over the States. But this time MWG, the number of participants were overwhelming. Almost 1000 Msian berkampung kat my uni. Masa 3 hari event tu. 1st time jalan2 sekitar kampus gerenti terjumpa Msian like every 10 minutes.

MWG juga menjadi peluang untuk berjumpa dan hang out dengan rakan2 yang dah lama tak jumpa. I had couples of my friends yang datang dan tinggal kat my apartment for 3 days. It was such a blast moment considering the fact that we've never met for almost 3 years. And during those 3 days I think I've never laughed my heart out listening to the jokes and funny stories my friends made. We even watched a scary movie, "Insidious" together during one of those nights. That moment really brings back the memories of our lives in INTEC before leaving for the universities of our choices in the States.

During his 3 days stays in Madison, I unofficially became his tour guide. I lost counting how many times he said how beautiful Madison is and how lucky those who studying here. Suddenly it struck my mind how we easily ignore something we already posses while it takes outsiders to notice about it.

Frankly speaking, Madison (and my campus) is indeed beautiful. It just me who does not take a chance to go out and explore. So, at the same time I tour guided my friends around Madison, I had a bit touristy kinda feeling too because there's certain places that I've been for the 1st time even though I've been living here for 3 years. Pretty pathetic huh? 

So, thanks my friends yg datang melawat. I bet kalau tak kerana diorang, I'd have never been to those places. 

There's little incident that made we laughed our asses off. On the way to the MWG opening ceremony, we encountered a lake with a white beautiful swan surrounded by "ugly" ducks. When we came closer to the lake, it turned out that the swan was FAKE!! I have no idea why the fake swan was placed in the lake.

I bet if i told you the swan in this pic is real, you would easily believe me

In which universites you can watch street artists, magicians and musicians performing on weekend?

Then we had lunch in a Thai-Laos-Cambodian restaurant. Their papaya salad (kerabu betik) is to die for.

Spicy papaya salad. I can eat the whole plate myself

Frozen yougurt in Red Mango as our dessert. 

Always had the same topping for my frozen yogurt every time I came here
Never getting bored of it!

On the final days before they left, we exchanged our uni's t-shirts. 

It was so hot that my face looked annoyed

I have 7 days left until my trip and chilling-out seconds with my closest ever friends in UK. Another moment I can't wait of course! 

p/s: all pictures credited to Pesa's facebook albums